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2005-11-28, 01h12 | #1 |
Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Messages: 12 590
Définir un personnage
J'ai trouvé un site donnant une fiche pour définir un personnage. Certaines choses peuvent ne pas s'appliquent selon le type de monde dans lequel vous jouer. À vous de voir.
http://users.wirefire.com/tritt/tip8.html Character Chart PART I. PHYSICAL Full name Date of Birth/Age Address Race/Ethnic Background/Nationality Height Weight/Body Build Hair Eyes Peculiar Physical Traits Glasses/Contacts Smokes Nervous Habits Distinguishing Marks Health Smell Voice Usual Walking Style Mannerisms What type of clothes/shoes/accessories does he/she wear? Any peculiar tastes in clothes/shoes/accessories? Eating habits/mannerisms/tastes PART II. GENERAL Occupation/Social Class Views on Money/Spending Habits Education/Intelligence Marital Status Birth Order Political Party/Views Religious Beliefs/Strength of Beliefs Sexual Orientation/Values What is his/her usual disposition? Optimist/Pessimist? Introvert/Extrovert? Confident/Self-conscious? How does he/she feel about his/her appearance? Type of car Most important possession Hobbies/Recreations/Sports Talents What is a normal day like for this character? Greatest Fear Major Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. PART III. RELATIONSHIPS Significant Other/Relationship Who does he/she live with? Who does he/she spend the most time with? Father/Relationship with him/Occupation Mother/Relationship with her/Occupation Siblings/Relationships Children/Ages Best Friend Other Important Friends Feelings toward animals How does he/she view his family? How does he/she view his friends? How does he/she view his boss/co-workers/employees? How does his family view him? How does his friends view him? How does his boss/co-workers/employees view him? Who is his hero? Other comments: (c) copyright 2000, Inspiration for Writers, www.InspirationForWriters.com/tip8.html
Fitzz: je l'imagine saumoner un arbre qui pete des fée offusquées!!!! »º©º« Clo. »º©º« |
2005-11-28, 02h04 | #2 | |
Seigneur Sith
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: La ville de Pierre Bourque
Messages: 1 094
Re : Définir un personnage
Zadac - le barbare nomade |
2005-11-28, 02h13 | #3 |
Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Messages: 12 590
Re : Définir un personnage
J'aime bien cette liste puisque je peux m'assurer de ne rien oublier.
Fitzz: je l'imagine saumoner un arbre qui pete des fée offusquées!!!! »º©º« Clo. »º©º« |
2005-11-28, 09h27 | #4 | |
Seigneur Sith
Date d'inscription: août 2005
Localisation: La ville de Pierre Bourque
Messages: 1 094
Re : Définir un personnage
Zadac - le barbare nomade |