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2006-01-06, 15h16 | #1 |
Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Messages: 12 590
Americans Outsource Parenting Job
** Nos voisins qui prouve encore qu'ils ont un problème... **
http://dadtalk.typepad.com/dadtalk/2...e_america.html We apparently do not live in the age of the Do-It-Yourself Parent. Instead, many American families even outsource their parenting duties, reports The Wall Street Journal Online via Yahoo. Here’s an example: The burgeoning industry of services aimed at harried parents, which began with the likes of birthday-party packages at gyms and pizza shops, has expanded to the point where you can now hire someone to assist with everything from potty-training your toddler to getting your teenage daughter to agree to a passably modest prom dress. “Fussy baby” services in Chicago, Denver, Brooklyn and Oakland, Calif., help comfort shrieking babies. In the New York suburbs, an entrepreneur has built a flourishing business by taking over one of the most timeless parental rituals of all: For $60 an hour he teaches kids to ride a bike.As someone who has looked forward to being a father all his life, all I can think is, give me a break. If you don’t want to teach your kid how to ride a bike or build his first puzzle, why on earth did you become a parent in the first place? While I can respect getting help for dealing with a colicky child, as Sarah Cunningham did, hiring someone just to potty train your kid or teaching a little one how to draw his or her first picture with a crayon is utterly ridiculous. On the other hand, I think I just found my new vocation. So, I’ve developed this price list:
Fitzz: je l'imagine saumoner un arbre qui pete des fée offusquées!!!! »º©º« Clo. »º©º« |
2006-01-06, 15h33 | #2 |
Date d'inscription: juin 2005
Localisation: Montréal
Messages: 97 839
Re: Americans Outsource Parenting Job
Oh god... la fin du monde approche de plus en plus...
FITZZ Administrateur du forum et Créateur des mondes de Belam, Galaxia et Zeos Question, suggestions, commentaires --------------------------------------------------------- Fitzz, réveil! Fitzz: (~_~ ) (-_-) (o_-) (-_o) (>_<) (o_O) (O_O) |
2006-01-06, 17h22 | #3 |
Dieu mineur
Date d'inscription: novembre 2002
Localisation: Montreal, qc
Messages: 9 945
Re : Americans Outsource Parenting Job
C'est vraiment degueux... Comme quoi tout est commercialisable et peut representer un marche quand tu es etats-uniens...
2006-01-06, 17h55 | #4 |
Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Messages: 12 590
Re : Americans Outsource Parenting Job
Bientot: Tu donnes un spermatozoïde et un ovule et dans 18 ans on te rammène un adulte. Même plus besion de le porter pendant 9 mois!
Fitzz: je l'imagine saumoner un arbre qui pete des fée offusquées!!!! »º©º« Clo. »º©º« |
2006-01-06, 21h10 | #5 | |
Dieu mineur
Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Localisation: here
Messages: 8 724
Re: Americans Outsource Parenting Job
Le Vénérable du sommet " Il vient un temps ou même les poissons perdent patience " Greyhawk - Prison Sahuagin... " Vieux sénile un peu sage ou vieux sage un peu sénile, la différence est parfois bien mince entre les deux... " Quadras - Merlin déambulant dans la foule... * Qu'elle est douce la sensation de ton corps sur mon mat... * Eden - Reginald - La Fin du Monde * A quoi sert ce bouton? - Richard - Terra - a la destruction d'Eden et de Terra... |
2006-01-07, 08h28 | #6 |
Date d'inscription: octobre 2002
Messages: 12 590
Re : Re: Americans Outsource Parenting Job
Fitzz: je l'imagine saumoner un arbre qui pete des fée offusquées!!!! »º©º« Clo. »º©º« |
2006-01-07, 16h35 | #7 |
Dieu mineur
Date d'inscription: novembre 2002
Localisation: Montreal, qc
Messages: 9 945
Re : Americans Outsource Parenting Job
Mais la mere porteuse ne te le rends pas a 18 ans!