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Vieux 2009-11-10, 18h11   #1
Homme libre
Date d'inscription: novembre 2009
Localisation: basse laurentide
Messages: 10
Les adeptes de Pathfinder sont partout... même dans les basses Laurentides...

Dunfearan, as the region used to be called by the ancestors of its inhabitants, lies somewhere north of Falcon's Hollow village. A great plague is rumored to have swept these highlands some 5000 years ago, but now a worse evil scourges the region. Ghost warriors roam the night, from time to time, taking captives among local lumber camps, without discrimination, to swell their undead ranks.

As if this wasn't enough, a mysterious plague seems to have striken many villagers from Falcon's Hollow. Will adventurers dare risk their lives for the sake of strangers? Be it for fame, fortune, hidden treasure or a tract of land?

Strangely enough, no soul in this country seem to be speaking common... so the only key ability to have... is to speak that long dead language that uses to be called "français".

The Pathfinder Society of Absalom is currently looking for new blood, who would be up to the challenge to save the day. Will you answer their call?
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